Iclone Software thinks I have the latest version. Then my Character Creator Essentials could be installed. Found the Character Creator under the "Bonus Downloads" and installed that 3. I only installed the 6.2 patch because my 6.1 was up to date. Reread the "Product Information" under the "Patch/Download" 0. There is a slightly different size between the 6.2 full and the 6.2 patch =FIXED. I have not contacted support to see if you have a clue. The full 6.2 download was not installed since it was not available today.

Today only the 6.2 patch was available so that is what I installed. I only did the 6.2 PATCH because I was not sure if I should install the full 6.2 download then the patch. rld programs none of them would allow me to start. I installed the patch and the link to CC did not work as I expected. zip bonus and did not install it until I have made the patch. This is a great step forward for IC6 IMHO as the versatility of the characters, the baked and key frame animations plus the tools available have given me all I need to start getting deeper into real time animation. Will upgrade to PRO as I come to terms with CC. CC works just fine and I'm looking forward to digging into tutorials and getting started this Fall on a much larger project. I was looking for this earlier and didn't see it. Here is online manual for those interested: Outstanding.