View the Microsoft Teams devices store to see products certified for Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business.Using Skype for Business clients with Pexip Infinity If you are a vendor seeking to join the certification program, see How to Join for requirements and available programs. The Video TMT 2.1 for Skype tool provides a graphical user interface for running the video test cases in the Skype and Lync Video Capture Specification. This white paper outlines the steps to be followed by providers of APO, driver-level, or firmware-level effects who would like Skype and Lync to use their processing by opening the audio stream in default mode. Lync and Skype Audio Offloading of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Effects in Windows 8.1 The SCVA provides a graphical user interface for running the video test cases described in the Skype Certification Video Test Specification. Use the following table to find the tools for testing USB peripherals, PCs, and Lync Room Systems, for Skype and Lync qualification. Test tools and white papers for Skype and Lync logo qualification LyncLogoRevG (Deprecated - distributed for support reference only) The following table lists the Lync specifications to follow for USB peripherals, PCs, and Lync room systems prior to the Unified Specifications introduced in September 2014. MicrosoftTeams V4 specifications (audio & video were released to partners in April all other specs released August) SkypeforBusiness_Logo_Specification_3_0.zip SkypeLync_Unified_Specification_2_0_Final.zip SkypeLync_Unified_1_0_Final_Custom_Audio_Processing.zip SkypeLync_Unified_Specification_1_0_Final.zip Specifications for user flow, Accessory Signaling Protocol, are subject to more frequent change as the Teams client adds new features or refines existing ones, and are therefore only shared with direct device OEM partners. Starting with the V4 specification package, Microsoft is only releasing a subset of the specifications to the public.